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Sequin Robe Raistlin

A member registered Oct 29, 2020

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Ah! I look forward to seeing the demo then!

I really enjoyed the first game, but I can't seem to download this own :(

I just want to say, I'm super excited to see what this turns into! I just finished playing the demo, and I absolutely loved what's here so far.

Brilliant! Where do I even begin? I will try to be brief on each point so as not to drag on forever. (Which I most certainly could)

The characters are wonderful. Not just the LIs, but the side characters as well. Each character felt distinct in their own way. As to the LIs, I absolutely adore Azad.

The setting is refreshing. I've been looking for good non-western fantasy, and this is it. The lore is positively intriguing, and I find myself wanting to know everything about the world's history.

The story, captivating. It's the kind that leaves you thinking about what will come next when you really ought be sleeping.

Pacing deserves it's own section. A lot of romance games rush the relationships, making them feel unearned when one steps back to look at it all. I have only played through Azad's so far, so I cannot speak to the others, but his has been phenomenal thus far. (Truly, the world needs more slow burn romance games, so many are far too hasty.)

The MC. First off, the customization level is wonderful, truly. Beyond that, this is one of the few romance games that truly feels like it is written for anyone. In a genre that is more traditionally female-oriented, even those games with options for a male (or nb) mc often feel as though they were written with a feminine player in mind. The mc did not feel overwhelmingly feminine, nor masculine here. They just felt like a person, and it was truly lovely. Beyond that, the traits system is really well done, seeing it affect actions in the more passive moments really helps to cement the mc in as an individual rather than a prescribed character with occasional sway over the situation. 

And, at last the writing. I think my above comments have made it more than clear, but the writing is phenomenal.

In summation, I adore this game. Amazing work, I cannot wait to see where things go!

I've finished my first run, and it was phenomenal. I played the Finzra route, and I'm really exited to play through August's. I do love that choosing a route doesn't isolate you from the other characters, and you still get to form friendships with them. The story was, well, captivating. My only complaint would be the pacing (which isn't much of an issue outside of the romances.) If playing through a romance, it can seem a little fast paced. I don't think it's a big issue though, as the story is strong enough on it's own. (Fixing it could be as simple as making time skips a little more clear, and adding more of them.)

I don't want to end on a negative though, because that would do this  game a disservice. So instead, I'm going to end by saying that I adore Finn's clan and I do hope to see more of them in the re-release.